"Our loved ones are always with us, for there is only a thin veil between heaven and earth."

Readings Offered

All phone readings include a complimentary recording that will be emailed to you after the reading.


Jill tuned into my uncle 6 weeks after his passing.
Jill spoke about intimate, funny and personal things with phrases only my uncle would have used.

The Experience was amazing!

Bob S

I’ve had 2 readings with Jill, about 3 months apart, and she is truly amazing! She was born to do this! As a person, she is a warm, sincere woman which makes being around her very comfortable. She is friendly and fun, with a touch of added spunk too! I was excited to learn of Jill’s special gift, as it has helped me receive validation on things happening in my life. She has said things to me that are right on point with my experiences, along with some pieces of information that have proven to be true in the time that follows my reading. I walk away from a reading with Jill feeling happy to have heard what she had to say, excited to see what life continues to bring me, and yet I feel relaxed and refreshed at the same time. Providing readings is something that brings joy to her as well, which is evident by her true show of emotion as she speaks with you. Jill is truly a breath of fresh air in many ways, and I am happy to have come to know her. I look forward to continue to hear whatever words she has to tell me anytime I see her. 🙂

Danielle M

Jill is one of the best healers/ mediums I’ve ever run into. Her ability to tap into the universe, to go far beyond the scope of just telling a person something, but actually working on them and working with them to grow and heal, physically, mentally and spiritually is far beyond what most can do.

I’ve had the pleasure of seeing firsthand what she can do. She has assisted in healing my grandson and she is working with me on my own issues, the gifts she has is far beyond what you could ever wish for. Her knowledge is crazy good! I would encourage anyone and everyone to utilize her services.

Lavender Green

Stellar Readings every time, amazing!  The guides take her to a whole other level I have not experienced with other intuitives and mediums. An accurate description of an event only my brother and I knew of made me laugh (the message sent that was unmistakably him)! Message after message confirm Jill is the real deal. She hits the bullseye picking up information and energies from people and places around me. Jill has an insightful way of helping clear negative energies and uses messages from past lives to quell anxieties and make sense of things I often wonder about. Readings by Jill have given me the focus and peace to keep moving forward on my journey! Thank you, Jill

Jane K

I have contacted Jill over the years without hesitation and she has been extremely kind and always available for support. She is has been so helpful in my most painful situations of loss and grief. Jill has the uncanny ability to be aware of specific details from a distance. She is very comforting and insightful. I always look forward to her gentle healing and guidance.

Debbie C